In the fall of 2023, our warehouse team had an idea. What if we put together a limited edition "box" that featured 4 discs and 4 extra swag items, just to feed the disc-hungry preppers who faithfully collect and throw their favorite brand. We've always felt that a good brand will simply follow the desires of their team and most devout fans. Doomsday Discs is a brand by the people and for the people, and those people have wanted get their hands on more unique discs and goods.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphIt was decided that we would create our first "Ammo Box" to release in the winter, pulling together unique stamps on discs both new and old and making only 200 of them. It was a bit more complicated than we expected. We had to wait not only for the discs to be ready and stamped, but we also had to wait to get the extra items that we wanted to include in the box. By the time everything arrived and we were ready for the launch, the winter had pretty much ended. It would come out a bit later than originally hoped, but we wanted to test the concept, so we ran with it and released the Ammo Box 1 on March 11th, 2024.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}What was in the Box?
/wp:heading wp:paragraphICE AGE in Limited Edition Biohazard Plastic with a Limited Edition Stamp -- The Ice Age was the newest disc to arrive right before the box was released and we had run only 200 of them in Biohazard plastic where we told the factory to exclude the usual dirty splatter that we like to put into our plastic. That would make the discs more solid in their coloring while remaining gummy and flexible. Any future runs in Biohazard plastic will have the usual, grungy appearance so that the limited editions ones always stand out. Plus the limited edition has it's own stamp.
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ROT in Isolation Plastic with a Limited Edition Stamp -- The Rot was the newest putter at the time we started assembling the Ammo Box, so we used some of our run of discs in blue Isolation plastic to include a limited edition "rotting apple" stamp. Though there will be blue Isolation Rot discs out there with other stamps, this edition will be the only one with that particular stamp.
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PROXIMITY MINE in Clandestine Plastic with a Limited Edition Stamp -- The first runs of our Proximity Mine discs all had mixed results. Some of the flight plates were domey and some were puddle-topped when run in Ignition / Survival plastic, but our initial run in Clandestine plastic came out with less dramatic variation. They ranged from flat to slightly puddled, but seemed to hold their shape nicer. So we stamped some with a limited edition stamp design of a person being tossed aside by an explosion. Some of the people involved in putting together the design ended up calling the image "Proximity Fart" because of the positioning of the explosion, but we just loved it too much to scrap it. It's destined to be a classic!
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BLACKOUT in Radioactive Waste Plastic with the Doomsday Metal Stamp -- We had released the Doomsday Metal logo stamp on several discs and apparel designs a few months earlier and it quickly became a favorite for fans of the brand. It is based on the calligraphy style used by many metal bands. We didn't release any Radioactive Waste Blackouts with the stamp, but instead held onto them to use in the Ammo Box. The Blackout was our first disc to hit the market and to this day is still one of the favorites.
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Doomsday Discs Balaclava -- Since we intended to release the Ammo Box in the winter, we thought a balaclava that features part of our logo's gas mask would be an excellent addition. Well, they came from the manufacturer later than hoped, but they're still a fun item to include, so it's in the box.
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Doomsday Discs Bandana -- This is an item that many Team Doomsday members had mentioned as a useful addition to our apparel lineup. So we listened and we ordered a small batch of 200 of them for the Ammo Box. We may make a completely different design in the future, but we feel this one turned out great.
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Doomsday Metal Logo Pin -- We're big fans of pins and patches, so we had to include a large pin in the first Ammo Box. We decided to make the Metal logo design into a pin that actually glows in the dark, as a companion to the Radioactive Waste (Glow) Blackout that features the same logo.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphIce Age Patch -- As the featured patch for the Ammo Box, we made the stamp design for the limited edition Ice Age disc into a patch design. We think it will be a fun patch to add to any collection and will help add more bling anybody's bag. The Velcro patch comes with it's own backer that can be sewn onto any bag.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":115439,"sizeSlug":"medium","linkDestination":"none"} did it go?
/wp:heading wp:paragraphWe knew that the Ammo Box 1 was going to be a test. If it sold quickly, apparently the concept was a strong one. If it just sat on the shelves, we'd know that we either needed to make fewer of them the next time, or abandon the idea. We released the box on March 11th, and by the end of the week they were sold out.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphSo, it was a success! Because of that success, we plan to work on Ammo Box 2 for later in 2025. That means our creative minds need to start churning and we need to watch the suggestions of Team Doomsday members closely in order to plan what will be in the next box. Though Ammo Box 1 was a success, we want Ammo Box 2 to be even more exciting. After all, we never know how much time we truly have to release these things before the clock will run out and civilization as we know it crumbles to the ground.