
Proximity Mine Factory 2nd Prototype (Warped)

(3 customer reviews)

Want to try a new mold? Well now you can… in a slightly deformed way. These Proximity Mines are factory second prototypes. We liked the mold, but not the way they warped when cooling. These are a super cheap way to investigate a new mold that will debut in 2024.  Some are bottom-stamped and some are top-stamped with the Team Doomsday logo.

The Proximity Mine is in the Land Mine / Depth Charge family. It has a raised thumb track around the top rim, and the rim shape slopes inward at a slight angle (instead of being perfectly square).


Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Great disc for the price

The warp in the disc I got seemed non-existent. It flies almost perfect for me and is a perfect seeming putter.

Jeremy Gravley
Abhorrent Stillbirth

It was hole six and my driver had pitched up and dumped out. I was at the top of a 200 ft, steep, downhill putt.
I had been feeling the Proximity in my bag since hole 1. Each time, writhing to be used, mocking the "normal" discs with its grotesque, misshapen dimensions. But now, as if knowing it was time, it fell out. It clung to my chosen disc like a tumor, uninvited and oblivious to its own abhorrence.
I reached to pick it up and was instantly transported to my Grandma's kitchen. "I found it Grammy, I'll cover the chicken!" I yelled. But Grammy wasn't there, just me and the Proximity, a tragedy of itself, unsure of it's own purpose, cursed with comical proportions.
I had no choice, it was throw this disc or be haunted by it for 12 more holes. I set and coiled, hand stretched into a miraculous spread I didn't think was possible. The Proximity gurgled or maybe I vomited, I'm still not sure. I let it go with the repulsion usually reserved for long dead animals or surprise spider attacks. The few limbs in the way responded to a breeze, moving away from the disc. Or was it cancer they sensed? Fear? Drought? Death? Grammy? I can't imagine the foundations of balance that were upset with the release of this pestilent device. Women wailed, priests confessed, children covered their heads as it tracked towards its target.

I missed the putt but it's a fun disc to throw!

Chard Remains
Maybe not perfect but DUDE still perfect

So they may be a lil warped or puddled or even twisted, but these are reliable af! I get one every time I order from doomsday. The colors are untouchable bright and the feel is consistent with the plastic. They may take some getting used to as far as hand feel but I promise it’ll go right in the bag.

Devon Monty

These things fly great it immediately made the bag!

Add one of these to your cart with every order

This disc took about 6 months to grow on me. I got one, tried it, wasn't sure about it, then forgot they existed for months. Came back to it, and now the Proximity mine is my go-to disc for nearly anything inside 250'. It's got a touch of stability at the end of the flight, and will handle all the torque you can muster. If you treat it like a max weight, less glidey Glitch, then it becomes such an incredible disc for forehand and backhand that you try to invent ways to throw it on holes you normally wouldn't.

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