
The Catastrophic Line is Coming Together

Our Catastrophic Line is made in the USA through a couple of different plastics manufacturers that have not made disc golf discs before. No…they are not manufactured by any other disc golf manufacturer. It has been quite an adventure working with these companies from mold conception all the way to testing plastic blends. The learning curve has been quite intense.

On April 25th the PLAGUE distance driver was PDGA Approved which was an exciting step. Team Doomsday helped to test and name this distance driver while it was known as “prototype 1” from the Catastrophic Line. It was decided that the line of discs would be named after generally or potentially catastrophic events.

The second prototype in the Catastrophic Line was named the FAMINE, but it is still undergoing adjustments in order to pass the PDGA standards. As an understable distance driver it has become a favorite with many members of Team Doomsday. The early prototype runs will undoubtedly become a classic even as we move forward into future, slightly adjusted runs.

The third prototype in the Catastrophic Line has been included in the Prepper Team Pack that has been available on the Doomsday Discs website as a way to enter the Prepper Team and prove that you will become a long-term survivor. This prototype #3 was PDGA approved on May 23rd with the name that was most voted by Team Doomsday– the BLACKOUT. It is a slightly understable fairway driver and the team assigned it the flight numbers of 8 / 5 / -2 / 1. 

We expect that by the end of June or early July, all three will be PDGA approved and available with stamps. We plan to distribute these discs and our other lines through to reach a general market. That is so that the less sophisticated disc golfers can become at least slightly informed about the end of the world. We’ll also make them available through other disc golf retailers through a distribution deal. That will allow the disc golf savvy to embrace the impending doom. But of course, we’ll also make special Team Doomsday editions available on our own website, along with Doomsday Discs swag and specialty items that the real preppers and survivors can pick up to enlighten the world at large, by helping to saturate tournaments and fairways with Doomsday awareness.

Catastrophic Awareness Tip: Earth’s Rotational Jerks

PS. It has been determined that the west coasts of the world will be the first in danger, due to Earth’s rotational “jerks” that will become more extreme in the coming months and years. As the oscillating galactic sheet approaches our part of the Milky Way, its magnetic influence can cause a “slowing” of our planet’s rotation (a precursor to the polar flip). Since the earth rotates eastward, even a minor break in the rotational velocity will send the oceans flowing over the west coasts in planetary tsunamis, due to a continuation of the water’s previous momentum. For an easy reference, carry a bowl of water on your lap in your car and slowly accelerate to a steady speed. Tap the breaks and bid farewell to the water as it spills over the front side of the bowl. Dry your pants, and remember, go down throwing. 

2 thoughts on “The Catastrophic Line is Coming Together”

  1. Fantastic update! Even with the end of the world approaching at least we have something to look forward to! The blackout found its way into my bag almost immediately, and hopefully more disc golfers will be able to find out about it (and the others) so they can add it to their arsenal as well!

  2. Victor Woodhams

    Heck yeah!! I’m very excited I absolutely love the Blackout!! I just also ordered the 2 prototypes and I can’t wait to throw them! The plastic feels so good. Very excited and happy to be apart of the Survivors!

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